In the recent past most conversations that I
have been having around employee engagement & retention revolves around how
to keep employees engaged during the first 60/ 90 days. More often than not
Managers are very happy to blame the quality of hire and the recruitment team
tends to take the beating.
Now, I am not for once saying that there isn't a
problem there. Recruitment teams definitely need to spend more time in
assessing the candidates and should not be in a tearing hurry to fill the
positions. Agreed but hey now these guys have already been hired so now what?
Do we raise our hands up in the air and thrash recruitment or do we fold our
sleeves s and say let’s do something about the people who have joined.
Based on researching a whole lot of data from several
exits interviews and Early engagement surveys we have conducted there are some
key elements that we have identified which will improve early engagement:
Trust is the most important factor in building
relationships. It’s important to be honest with the employee about his role,
salary, targets etc. Leave no chance for guesses. Having an effective
communication channel and building trust will also mean that the employee will
reach out to his Manager or the HR team if he has a query and that in itself
will reduce discontentment to a large degree. ‘Transparency at the work place ‘is
one of the most important values that employees look for in an organisation.
Every manager is faced with situations where the truth is bitter, however, it’s
always better to communicate this to the employees and the sooner is always better.
Treat employees with respect. Haven’t we heard
the old adage ‘Give respect, get respect’? Employees need to be told how their
contribution helps the company. Let the employee understand his /her importance
and how they add value to the overall growth of the organisation.
Share organisations goals and growth plans. It
saddens me immensely when Managers feel that employees won’t understand. They
do and they care!
Considering that employees spell close to 10
hours a day at work it’s important they have fun at work. While data suggests
that fun necessarily doesn't make employees stay back in companies, the lack of
it could make them look out. The most important part of fun activities is that
it should be as sustained effort and should not lose momentum. Managers need to
encourage participation and encourage employees to take time off to participate
in these fun events.
All employees like to be recognised. Recognition
can be in the form of awards, trophies, certificates, vouchers, or even a pat
on the back. The type of award is not always important; however it’s always
best to appreciate the employee at the earliest .In my personal opinion
appreciating an employee is best done in public. Let the rest of the team know
that the employee is being appreciated and the success should be shared.
Motivation is the continuous process of stimulating
people to actions to accomplish their goals. One of the most important
functions of management is to create willingness amongst the employees to
perform in the best of their abilities. Therefore the role of a leader is to
arouse interest in performance of employees in their jobs.
True leaders will inspire employees to perform
and the most reliable way to inspire is by being a perfect role model. Managers
need to remember that they are being watched and employees tend to follow their
need to know their respective growth plans. Be honest about the time frame.
Share feedback with them and let them know what they need to do to improve. Assist,
mentor & Coach Employees .Employees should never feel they are doing a
bring job, make it exciting for them.
with them to identify their career plans and help them achieve their goals. Show
them that you care about them too.
I can say with reasonable confidence that you
will definitely see a challenge in the way your employees feel, behave and
respond if all Managers practice all of what has been mentioned above.I am sure you agree it shouldn't be difficult.
Share with me if you think it has worked or hasn't,
I will be happy to hear from you ….
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